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John Peters

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"The Father of the modern 
Human Rights System"

-Nelson Mandela

Wooden Surface

"John Humphrey is the founder of the modern human rights system." - Nelson Mandela

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Bloomin' Artists 2024

Saturday, July 20

Bloomin' Artists wil be taking place in Hampton, NB on Saturday, July 20 (Rain date July 21). This beautiful event has local artisans creating works around the town of Hampton in local gardens and public space. You can visit while they work and purchase the items at auctions held at the Lighthouse River Centre.

Follow along during the day on Instagram at #bloominartists 

Inspired by a letter from John Humphreys widow, Dr. Margaret Kunstler Humphrey, the Hampton Town Council established an ad hoc committee which has evolved into an incorporated, charitable foundation. The Foundation's mandate has been to find appropriate ways to honour and continue the legacy of John Humphrey.

Siyabulela Mandela

March 31, 2018

On March  31, 2019, Hampton we had the priviledge of welcoming Siyabulela Mandela to Hampton to visit the John Peters Humphrey Credo. He was gracious with his time and spent the morning talking and visiting the Credo, museum and Station 33.

Our mission is to provide an ongoing tribute to John Peters Humphrey by educating individuals of all ages about his life and accomplishments; to provide a venue to learn about John Peters Humphrey and his work; and to educate people about human rights.


Universal Declaration of Human Rights

At the request of Eleanor Roosevelt, former First Lady of the United States and Chair of the U.N. Human Rights Commission, Humphrey would do something never done before, draft an international bill of rights.


For the animated Universal Declaration of Human Rights, click here

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Animated by Peter Pickersgill

The Hampton John Peters Humphrey Foundation, Inc.

P.O. Box 1152

Hampton, New Brunswick
E5N 8H2


Chair: Georgie Day

1(506) 832 - 5881


Donations accepted through the Canada Helps website

Charitable number: #89512271RR0001

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